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Patterson Optometric Eyecare Blog

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A Guide to the InfantSEE® Program

Ensuring the health of your newborn child is crucial. You need to ensure your child is healthy and growing well. Most bodily systems and organs are not fully developed at birth. The first few months and years after birth are critical to developing these organs and structures. It is why the first year after birth is full of regular medical checkups.

Treatment Options for Managing Glaucoma

Glaucoma is a group of eye disorders that harm the optic nerve. Your optic nerve plays a significant role in ensuring vision and in sending visual information to the brain from your eyes. You can develop permanent blindness or vision loss when your glaucoma remains untreated.

What are Early Warning Signs of Macular Degeneration?

As we age, some body parts stop performing as well as they should. Sometimes, they are affected by the genes we get from our parents. Other times, the changes come because of our lifestyle choices. You can curtail the chances of getting certain conditions if you act early enough. Sometimes, you get shocked into changing when you notice the early warning signs of a condition.

Why Routine Diabetic Eye Exams Are Important

Diabetes is a common metabolic condition currently estimated to affect as many as one in ten American adults. Furthermore, one in three people suffer from pre-diabetes, meaning that they will almost certainly go on to develop the condition unless they make changes to their diet and lifestyle.

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